Saturday, July 12, 2008

Run NS-2 TcL script and evaluate with trace analyzer

I try difference combination of simulation script with TcL generator on scenery size, transmission range and no. of node. Before this I was try some simulation show the power consumption not much used within 100 second simulation, where about 5 joules. So I try to set the initial energy at 5 joules where we can see power usage until the battery empty.

The simulation environment was set on:

1.Scenery size350 meters X 350 meters
2.Transmission range175 meters
3.No. of node9 nodes (8 common nodes & 1 sink node)
4.Routing ProtocolDSDV

The result was we can see all nodes generate and sent from common node

some forwarding packet in intermediate nodes and

only only a few of the packets can receive at access point

where others drop on the network.

In future work are I will simulate the scenario with the same no. of nodes but difference type of routing protocol.


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