Friday, July 25, 2008

Problem install linux at new computer

Farizul and me are trying install Linux at new computer, Ubuntu, Xandros & Kubuntu. Most problem we are facing was new computer come with SATA cable, that Linux cannot recognize so need to find way to install them...

Saturday, July 19, 2008

DSDV routing protocol with 25 nos. of nodes

Another testing conduct with DSDV routing protocol and increased the number of nodes. From the result show some difference behaviour happen. The simulation environment is:

1.Scenery size400 meters X 400 meters
2.Transmission range200 meters
3.No. of node25 nodes (24 common nodes & 1 sink node)
4.Routing ProtocolDSDV

Result from the scenario show with DSDV always generate data to all nodes. But the total of amount packet generate not consistent and most nodes not much contribute to generate packet.

From figure above only 3 nodes manage generate more than 4000 packet. Now we try to see whether the three nodes most generate packet have relationship with forwarding packet.

There are several relation ship about the node there are:

This may be give some clue about forwarding packet...

From the result show not much packet manage to receive at access point, this what we want to figure about?

A lot of dropped packet, more than 8000 packet so, this what we want to avoid of.

Friday, July 18, 2008

DSDV routing protocol on 10 nos. of nodes

Now I try the same situation before but a bit of modification on type of routing protocol and size of area. DSDV routing protocol; it is not big reason for me to change the area size but just only to see the difference between of them. There are:

1.Scenery size400 meters X 400 meters
2.Transmission range200 meters
3.No. of node9 nodes (8 common nodes & 1 sink node)
4.Routing ProtocolDSDV

On this time from the simulation, we can see not all of the nodes generated the packet.

From figure above node no. 3 & 4 not activate to generate packet.

Also not many of intermediate nodes involve forwarding packet.

But quite much of packet generated can arrive to the access point.

Still we can see most of the packet dropped on network.

Next I will change try on environment with more no. of nodes (it is up to 25 no. of nodes) and but again with DSDV routing protocol.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Run NS-2 TcL script and evaluate with trace analyzer

I try difference combination of simulation script with TcL generator on scenery size, transmission range and no. of node. Before this I was try some simulation show the power consumption not much used within 100 second simulation, where about 5 joules. So I try to set the initial energy at 5 joules where we can see power usage until the battery empty.

The simulation environment was set on:

1.Scenery size350 meters X 350 meters
2.Transmission range175 meters
3.No. of node9 nodes (8 common nodes & 1 sink node)
4.Routing ProtocolDSDV

The result was we can see all nodes generate and sent from common node

some forwarding packet in intermediate nodes and

only only a few of the packets can receive at access point

where others drop on the network.

In future work are I will simulate the scenario with the same no. of nodes but difference type of routing protocol.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Jtrana trace analyzer

Now still doing on the evaluation on mannasim script, where it can generate TcL script file and after that just run on it and produce trace file. But when we are evaluating on the trace file, it come out with a lot of drop from the node.

Currently I have change to Jtrana. Jtrana is better than previous trace analyzer where it can show the power consumption on the node.

New partner & friends

First, it long time since I not login and post anything, this is because of I was forgotten my user name and password to login this blog, sorry for every one.

My new partner was Fairuz Najwa, she was good and clever girl, her FYP (Final Year Project) was in WSN area, so it is good to have someone expert in the team.

Other than that, my fellow in other team which,

Nurulhady and Farizul Helmi will join and work together both groups to gain our progressing to the research….

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