Friday, December 19, 2008

2'nd conference attended

It was 2'nd conference I had. The environment very common where nothing so exited. The audience to small. All of them was presenter it's self. I never get any question from audience during my presentation, but it very nice when we can gather with all researcher in Malaysia with difference background i.e. medicine, ICT, engineering, physic & chemical etc.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

MSTC (COSTAM) paper ready

After I complete writing this conference paper, to get a sponsor by project fund the paper it's self need to be review by college panel. Then the paper has to return back to me, to do some modification work on the mistake that I did. Then the paper now ready to be fund and to be present in these respective conference…

Dear God, syukur for everything that I had.

Programmer-defined Library

Now I want to concentrate on how to create our own algorithm, some detail need to clearify i.e. what thing need to implement for our algorithm. Working in NS-2 there are limitation thing we can do in TcL language. But for our case we need to edit in C++ method where new library to be introduce.
We create our own programmer-define libraries to further modularize our program. Some brief about programmer-defined library. In library contain some general purpose function that we aspect to use in future application. Then after we clarify them pun in one library and implement them, we can use in other projects, just we use in standard library functions in many other programs.

NSF sponsor

Salam, everyone
Quite long since I not updating my blog because of many thing need to do.
Yesterday I call MOSTI to ask about my NSF application.
Then they spoke to me that I success to get NSF scholarship.
Wow it was the best news in 2008 that I have.
Now I don't have to think about my financial problem and then I can only to concentrate about my research.

For Syikin and Fadilah I wish you good luck for your application.
When during your interview session stay calm and always trust on your capability, you can do it, never give up....

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