Friday, August 29, 2008

Presenting technical paper at NCTT-MPC 2008

I publish one paper on VoIP research field with title VoIP over MYREN in National Conference on Telecommunication Technologies and Malaysia Conference on Photonics 2008 (NCTT-MCP 2008) at IOI Palm Resort, Putrajaya where it is near to JW Marriot Hotel. I present the paper on 27th August 2008. It is good for me to experiencing about presenting conference paper. My paper will be available in IEEE library website soon. If you want take a look the sample of my paper available to download at here

Friday, August 22, 2008

Try Protoname routing protocol

After some review on paper as what I mention before, showing how to add some new routing protocol. There involve some editing on existing NS-2 library like e.g make.o, packet.h & etc. But after I successes install new routing protocol call protoname the test result from some simple simulation show all packet drop from network but it manage work with no error on the program. So now I need to compare this routing protocol with current routing protocol available NS-2 library.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Working on new routing protocol

Now it is time for me to concentrate on deep routing protocol algorithm. Then the question is: where to start? Because to edit on routing protocol it is was big issue & real hard work to be done. For the beginning what I want to try is review some tips based on paper “Implementing a New Unicast routing Protocol in NS2” from University of Murcia, Spain, then hopefully by try these step can be give some idea where area is need to concentrate....

Friday, August 1, 2008

Instal Xandros on SATA based PC

Mr. Farizul found DVD that contain latest Xandros version 4.5, that can work and support on SATA based PC. I try to install with new PC and finally I successful installed. Thank to Mr. Farizul doing searching on it. The performance for new Xandros, in new PC is very good. With Pentium Core 2 Duo come along with 4G Byte RAM can give NS-2 simulation very fast. The next problem is the trace file produced by simulation take longer time to analyze, especially trace from mannasim script generator. Sometime trace file take around 1 or 2 days to complete. I want to try on server if it can analyze more fast than PC.

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